Kesê Têkilî: Jessie Ji

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Series Machine Machine

  • Makîneya dagirtina bîhnxweş a otomatîkî li ser prensîba vacuum e. Tankê hilanînê ya hewayî û ekrana komputerê ji bo tijîkirina rastîn têne bikar anîn. When the glass bottle or plastic bottle is pushed to the position of the sensor, the sensor senses the material and will automatically dive down for filling.

  • Makîneya Capped Capume ji bo Kapa Spray girtî ye. Moşen dê kapê Chuck girtî, li ser şûşek li ser şûşeyê bitikîne. Tevahiya laş, countertops, cîhaza dorpêçkirinê û pergala kontrolkirina pneumatic.

  • Makîneyên çêkirina bîhnxweş pîşesaziya hilberîna bîhnxweş şoreş kirin. Ew ji bo tevlihevkirina bîhnfireh û rûnên bingehîn têne çêkirin da ku bîhnxweş û bi rengek zûtir biafirînin. Today, there are many perfume production lines that feature state-of-the-art technology, making it easier for manufacturers to produce a wide array of fragrances to cater to different markets.

  • Perfume-making machine fragrance chiller filter mixer on the basis of introducing advanced technologies from abroad by our company, the product is specially used for clarification and filtration of liquids such as cosmetic, perfume and so on after freezing. Ew amûrek îdeal e ji bo fîlterkirina kozmetîk û bîhnxweş di kargeha kozmetîkî de.

  • Perfume-making machine fragrance chiller filter mixer on the basis of introducing advanced technologies from abroad by our company, the product is specially used for clarification and filtration of liquids such as cosmetic, perfume and so on after freezing. Ew amûrek îdeal e ji bo fîlterkirina kozmetîk û bîhnxweş di kargeha kozmetîkî de.

  • Perfume-making machine fragrance chiller filter mixer on the basis of introducing advanced technologies from abroad by our company, the product is specially used for clarification and filtration of liquids such as cosmetic, perfume and so on after freezing. Ew amûrek îdeal e ji bo fîlterkirina kozmetîk û bîhnxweş di kargeha kozmetîkî de.

  • Based on the introduction of foreign advanced technology, SINAEKATO specializes in the clarification and filtration of cosmetics, perfumes and other liquids after freezing. Ew alavên îdeal e ji bo fîlterkirina kozmetîk û bîhnxweş di kargehên kozmetîkî de.

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